May 3, 2018

But do you believe in love?

Where’d your legend lead you
In the corner of your pain

At the window you are outside
I am inside peeping

Wanting you to remove the clothes you carry
To be out there
Recognized as alive out there

Walking with your dog, and so what if you wanted to match?
The only way to be a dog is to wear its coat
Silhouettes concealing souls
Into a better suit of purpose

Is it possible that this grounding pull
Is too strong for the skin to bear
Bear to feel being as attached to the skin as the skin is attached to the world?
Puncture me so i can resemble being alive

See the inside of a midriff twice
Once the womb that you are
Next the cell that you are not

How does tenderness calibrate to density?
I cannot depend on ambivalence

But do you believe in love?
And how much?